Tidy Towns 2018

Welcome to a new year of Tidy Towns activities, 2018 is going to be a great year.  We are back and we are rubbing our hands together with lots of plans for making the village look beautiful.  You may have noticed plants popping up in the beds and planters around the village, we will out every Tuesday night from 7.30pm to 8.30pm planting, weeding, sweeping and picking litter in every corner of Dromore West.  If you would like to join us we meet in the Community Centre Dromore West and head out from there, bring gloves and lots of energy.  Volunteer with us once, come twice, come every week, we don’t mind, we understand how busy people are grateful for any time you can spare.  Contact us via our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/DromoreWestTidyTowns/

Working Hard to make the village shine

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